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Skat Free: Erlebe unkomplizierten Spielspaß bei einer Skat- oder Ramschrunde


Skat Free Download Vollversion: How to Play Germany's National Card Game

Skat is a card game that has been played in Germany for over two centuries. It is considered as Germany's national card game and one of the most challenging and rewarding trick-taking games in the world. If you want to learn how to play skat, or if you are already a fan of the game, you might be interested in downloading skat for free on your computer or mobile device. In this article, we will explain what skat is, how it originated, how to play it online for free, and some tips and tricks to improve your skills.

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What is Skat and How Did It Originate?

Skat is a card game for three players, but usually four participate, with each player sitting out a turn as dealer. It uses a 32-card deck, with four suits (clubs, spades, hearts, diamonds) and eight cards in each suit (7, 8, 9, 10, jack, queen, king, ace). The game is a mixture of Schafkopf, Tarok (Tarot), and l'Hombre. It was created in 1840 in Altenburg, Germany by members of a local Tarock club. The game spread rapidly within German-speaking Europe and also in the US and is now one of the most popular card games in Germany as well as being considered Germany's national card game.

The History of Skat

The early history of skat is not fully documented, but many anecdotes and legends exist about its origins. What is certain is that the game was developed around 1809 in Altenburg from older card games. It was based on Dreiwendsch, which is a variant of the Wendish Schafkopf. The concept of bidding was adopted from l'Hombre and its simplified version, German Solo; the idea of setting aside two cards (the skat) was taken from Tarock. Doppelkopf, however, is not one of skat's precursors but, like it, is a 20th century development of Schafkopf.

The first skat players and "inventors" of the game were Altenburg dignitaries and members of a local Tarock club: grammar school teacher Johann Friedrich Ludwig Hempel (1773-1849), medical health officer Dr. Hans Carl Leopold Schuderoff, court advocate and notary Friedrich Ferdinand Hempel (1778-1836), Councillor Carl Christian Adam Neefe (1774-1821) and Chancellor Hans Carl Leopold von der Gabelentz (17781831). Another participant in the rounds was well-known publisher Friedrich Arnold Brockhaus. The game was first known as Ore Mountain Schafkopf (Erzgebirgischer Schafkopf).

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A verifiable written record of the new game can be found in an article about Osterland games in edition no. 30 of the weekly Osterländische Blätter published in Altenburg on 25 July 1818 under the heading "Das Skadspiel". In the years that followed the game spread more and more, especially among the students of Thuringian and Saxon universities and was soon popular in large parts of German-speaking Europe. The earliest recorded rules for "Scat" date to 1835, by when it was already popular in the Kingdom of Saxony, especially in the Duchy of Altenburg and the The Rules of Skat

The rules of skat are complex and can vary depending on the region and the preferences of the players. However, the basic structure of the game is as follows:

  • The dealer shuffles and deals 10 cards to each player, face down, in batches of three, four, and three. The remaining two cards are placed face down in the middle of the table as the skat.

  • The player to the left of the dealer is the forehand, the next player is the middlehand, and the dealer is the rearhand. The forehand starts the bidding by either passing or making an offer to the middlehand. The offer is a number that represents the minimum value of a contract that the player is willing to play. The middlehand can either accept or raise the offer, or pass. If the middlehand passes, the forehand can make a new offer to the rearhand, who can also accept, raise, or pass. If both opponents pass, the forehand becomes the declarer and can choose any contract. If only one opponent passes, the bidding continues between the two remaining players until one of them passes or accepts an offer. The winner of the bidding becomes the declarer and can choose a contract.

  • The declarer can either play with or without the skat. If he plays with the skat, he picks up the two cards and discards two cards face down. If he plays without the skat, he leaves it untouched and announces a contract that is worth at least 18 points more than his bid. The contract determines which suit is trump, how many points are needed to win, and how many multipliers are applied to the final score.

  • The game consists of 10 tricks, each consisting of one card played by each player. The forehand leads to the first trick, and then the winner of each trick leads to the next one. The players must follow suit if possible; otherwise they can play any card. A trick is won by either playing the highest trump card or, if no trump card is played, by playing the highest card of the led suit.

After all 10 tricks are played, the declarer counts his card points and compares them with his contract value. Card points are calculated by adding up the values of all cards won in tricks: aces are worth 11 points, 10s are worth 10 points, kings are worth 4 points, queens are worth 3 points, jacks are worth 2 points, and 7s, 8s, and 9s are worth 0 points. There are 120 card points in total in each deal. The contract value is calculated by multiplying the base value of the chosen suit by a number of factors that depend on various conditions such as whether the declarer used or did not use 36 (the hand value of diamonds). If you have four jacks in a row (clubs, spades, hearts, diamonds), your hand value is 4 times 11 (the base value of hearts) = 44 (the hand value of hearts). The base values of the suits are: clubs = 12, spades = 11, hearts = 10, diamonds = 9. The hand values of the suits are: grand = 24, clubs = 12, spades = 11, hearts = 10, diamonds = 9. Grand is a special contract where only jacks are trump and the base value is 24.

To bid, you need to announce a number that is a multiple of the base value of the suit you want to play. For example, if you want to play clubs, you can bid 12, 24, 36, and so on. If you want to play grand, you can bid 24, 48, 72, and so on. You can also bid null, which is a special contract where you try to lose all the tricks and the base value is 23. You can only bid null if you have no jacks in your hand.

To declare a contract, you need to announce the suit you want to play as trump or null. You can also announce some special conditions that increase the value of your contract, such as hand (playing without the skat), schneider (winning at least 90 card points or making your opponent win less than 30), schwarz (winning all the tricks or making your opponent win none), ouvert (playing with your cards face up), or reizen (bidding up to the maximum value of your hand). However, some of these conditions require you to announce them before picking up or discarding the skat.

When bidding and declaring a contract, you should consider the following factors:

  • The strength of your hand: how many jacks and high cards you have, how well they fit together in a suit, how many cards you have in each suit.

  • The position of your hand: whether you are forehand, middlehand, or rearhand. Forehand has the advantage of starting the bidding and leading to the first trick, but also has the disadvantage of revealing information first. Middlehand has the advantage of being able to pass or raise the offer of forehand, but also has the disadvantage of being sandwiched between two opponents. Rearhand has the advantage of being able to observe the bidding of the other two players and make the final decision, but also has the disadvantage of being last to act and having less control over the game.

  • The expectations of your opponents: what they might have in their hands based on their bidding and playing behavior, what they might expect from you based on your bidding and playing behavior.

How to Win or Lose Tricks

Winning or losing tricks is another crucial aspect of skat. It determines whether you fulfill your contract or not. To win or lose tricks effectively, you need to know how to play your cards and how to follow suit.

To play your cards, you need to consider the following factors:

  • The suit and rank of your cards: whether they are trump or not, whether they are high or low, whether they are singletons or part of a sequence.

  • The suit and rank of the cards already played: whether they are trump or not, whether they are high or low, whether they are singletons or part of a sequence.

  • The suit and rank of the cards still in play: whether they are trump or not, whether they are high or low, whether they are singletons or part of a sequence.

  • The number of tricks already played and remaining: how many tricks you have won or lost so far, how many tricks you need to win or lose to fulfill your contract.

  • The strategy and tactics of your opponents: what they might have in their hands based on their bidding and playing behavior, what they might do next based on their bidding and playing behavior.

To follow suit, you need to follow these rules:

  • If the first card played in a trick is a trump card, you must play a trump card if possible; otherwise you can play any card.

  • If the first card played in a trick is not a trump card, you must play a card of the same suit if possible; otherwise you can play any card.

  • If you are the declarer and you play without the skat (hand game), you can choose not to follow suit and play any card; however, this will increase the value of your contract by one multiplier.

How to Use the Skat and the Multipliers3>How to Use the Skat and the Multipliers

The skat and the multipliers are two elements that can make a big difference in your score. The skat is the two cards that are set aside at the beginning of the game. The multipliers are the factors that increase the value of your contract.

The skat can be used in two ways: you can either play with it or without it. If you play with it, you can pick up the two cards and discard two cards of your choice. This can help you improve your hand and choose a better contract. However, you also have to announce your contract before looking at the skat, which can be risky. If you play without it, you can leave the skat untouched and announce a contract that is worth at least 18 points more than your bid. This can give you an advantage over your opponents, who do not know what is in the skat. However, you also have to play with the cards you were dealt, which can be challenging.

The multipliers are the factors that increase the value of your contract by multiplying the base value of your suit. There are several multipliers that can apply to your contract, depending on various conditions. The most common ones are:

  • Matadors: The number of jacks in a row that you have or do not have, starting from the jack of clubs. For example, if you have three jacks in a row (clubs, spades, hearts), you have with 3 matadors; if you have no jacks, you have against 4 matadors.

  • Hand: Playing without the skat. This adds one multiplier to your contract.

  • Schneider: Winning at least 90 card points or making your opponent win less than 30 card points. This adds one multiplier to your contract if you announce it before picking up or discarding the skat; otherwise it adds two multipliers.

  • Schwarz: Winning all the tricks or making your opponent win none. This adds one multiplier to your contract if you announce it before picking up or discarding the skat; otherwise it adds three multipliers.

  • Ouvert: Playing with your cards face up. This adds one multiplier to your contract if you announce it before picking up or discarding the skat; otherwise it adds four multipliers.

To calculate the value of your contract, you need to multiply the base value of your suit by the number of multipliers that apply to your contract. For example, if you play clubs with 3 matadors and schneider announced, your contract value is 12 (the base value of clubs) times 5 (the number of multipliers: 3 for matadors, 1 for hand, 1 for schneider) = 60.


Skat is a fascinating card game that combines skill, strategy, and luck. It is Germany's national card game and one of the most popular and challenging trick-taking games in the world. If you want to play skat online for free, you can download Skat Free from Microsoft Store, Skat am Stammtisch from Google Play, or Skat-Freeware from Skat Palast. You can also learn how to bid and declare a contract, how to win or lose tricks, and how to use the skat and the multipliers to improve your score. Skat is a game that will keep you entertained and challenged for hours.


Here are some frequently asked questions about skat:

  • What is the difference between grand and null?

Grand and null are two special contracts that have different rules and values than the normal suit contracts. In grand, only jacks are trump and the base value is 24. In null, there are no trumps and no card points; the declarer tries to lose all the tricks and the base value is 23.

  • What is ramsch?

Ramsch is a variant of skat that is played when all three players pass in the bidding. In ramsch, there are no trumps and no contracts; each player tries to avoid taking any tricks. The player who takes the most card points loses and pays to the other two players.

  • What is bock?

Bock is a variant of skat that is played when a special event occurs, such as a player losing a grand hand game or a player winning a null ouvert game. In bock, all scores are doubled for one round.

  • What is kontra and re?

Kontra and re are optional rules that allow players to increase the stakes of the game. Kontra means that an opponent of the declarer challenges his contract by saying "kontra" before the first card is played. This doubles the score of the game, whether the declarer wins or loses. Re means that the declarer accepts the challenge by saying "re" before the second card is played. This doubles the score again, making it four times the original value.

  • What is schafkopf?

Schafkopf is a card game that is closely related to skat. It is also played with a 32-card deck and four players, but with different rules and scoring. It is mainly popular in Bavaria and other parts of southern Germany.



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