The film was produced by Mahesh's brother Ramesh. This was Mahesh's last film released before he married Namratha Shirodhkar. On the other hand, this was the first movie (and the last as of July 2008) for Keerthi Reddy after her marriage. The film was launched at Padmalaya Studios in Hyderabad on 18 July 2003, to which the whole unit of the film attended. The Technical team, except for Art and Lyrics, were retained from Mahesh-Gunasekhar's previous film, Okkadu. The Filming had a single schedule which started from 18 July itself.[4] Mahesh played a role similar to the one he played in Okkadu, while Shriya Saran was hired as the heroine opposite him. Keerthi Reddy played the role of Mahesh's sister and paired with Raja in the film. Prakash Raj played the role of Bala Nayakar, the last heir of the Nayakar dynasty who were well known in the History of Madurai while Saritha made a comeback to Telugu cinema after 16 years in the role of Andal, the wife of Nayakar.[4]
Maidan-E-Jung 3 film movie download